Q&A With Our Experts

Corrosion prevention is a complicated business. We've compiled a list of corrosion experts to tackle the issues surrounding corrosion prevention, inspection and other industry topics.

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Australasian Corrosion Association


The ACA is a not-for-profit, membership Association which disseminates information on corrosion and its prevention or control by providing training,…

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How CCTV is Changing Sewer and Pipeline Asset Management
Photo for alan-kehr

Alan Kehr

Managing Consultant, Alan Kehr Anti-Corrosion, LLC

Alan Kehr has more than 40 years’ experience in the pipeline and reinforcing steel coatings industries, specializing in research and…

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How to Control Corrosion by Improving Design
Photo for ames-kulprathipanja

Ames Kulprathipanja

New Product Development & Innovation Leader, Johns Manville

Ames Kulprathipanja is the Innovation Leader for the Insulation Systems business unit of Johns Manville as well as the Technology Leader for the…

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Accelerated Corrosion Testing with Calcium Silicate and Perlite Insulations


Steel's endurance limit can be measured in several ways. A polished sample — wherein potential surface initiation sites, such as machining flaws, have been removed, is tested under constant…
Answered by: Steven Bradley
Principal Consultant, Bradley Consulting Services
The short answer to the question is yes. Zinc does rust. Like all metals, zinc corrodes when exposed to air and moisture. However, this element does not rust like most other metals. Iron, for…
Answered by: Steven Bradley
Principal Consultant, Bradley Consulting Services
We often use the term "rust" to mean corrosion, but these two terms do not mean the same thing. Distinguishing between Rust and Corrosion Rust is a coating that occurs on the surface of…
Airless sprayers work by pumping high-pressure paints or coatings through a hose to the nozzle of the spray gun. As the paint is forced through the tip of the nozzle, it gets broken up (atomized)…
Answered by: Wade Hannon
Area Sales Manager, Specialty Products at GRACO Inc.
Applying a protective coating to metallic surfaces is the most effective method to mitigate corrosion damage. According to a National Association of Corrosion Engineers (NACE) report, more than $100…
Answered by: Mehdi Yari
Electrochemistry and Corrosion Laboratory at the University of Western Ontario
Editor's note: this question was answered in The Use of Insulation Coatings for Burn Protection, a Webinar from Corrosionpedia. See more on our Webinar page. When it pertains to temperature…
Editor’s note: this question was answered in The Use of Insulation Coatings for Burn Protection, a Webinar from Corrosionpedia. See more on our Webinar page. Thermal insulation coatings (also…
Absolutely. Corrosion under insulation (CUI) can be a serious issue for pipes and process equipment covered with thermal insulation. The corrosion range has kind of been established from 100 to…
Thank you very much for your inquiry. We get questions like this all the time, and they are far more complex than most people realize. First, to be clear, we are consultants who do this for a living.…
Answered by: Warren Brand
Owner, Chicago Corrosion Group and W Brand Consulting
Flash rust is defined as the corrosion that occurs on the surface of a metal shortly after any wet method of surface preparation. This type of rusting typically occurs within minutes after cleaning…
Xylan is an industrial dry film lubricant consisting primarily of one or more fluoropolymers including polytetrafluoroethylene (PTFE) (Figure 1), perfluoroalkoxy alkane (PFA) and fluorinated ethylene…
The short answer to this question is yes. The presence of soluble salts, particularly sulfates and chlorides, at the paint/hull interface can have detrimental effects on the integrity of the coating…
In the wake of the recent COVID-19 coronavirus global pandemic, many companies have been forced to close their doors as governments around the world seek to "flatten the curve." By…
The COVID-19 coronavirus is a worldwide concern affecting all of us, including those in the corrosion prevention and protective coatings industries. As many employees and contractors are forced to…
Ultrasonic is a term used to describe the range of sound waves that possess frequencies higher than that of audible human hearing. Ultrasonic testing (UT), therefore, involves using these sound waves…
Modern industrial processes continue to place heavy demands on tools, equipment and structures. As a result, the protective coatings used to shield these assets must be able to maintain their…
There is no shortage of options when it comes to concrete floor coatings, which are generally used to protect concrete floors from excessive wear and damage. Two of the most popular types of floor…
It is essential to perform regular inspections on pressure equipment to ensure that their mechanical and structural integrity meet safety and performance standards. Traditionally, internal visual…
A corrosion rate conversion is a technique to change the measurement units of a given corrosion rate to another unit for comparison purposes or a specific engineering application. When converting a…
Answered by: Osvaldo Mejia
Sr. Pipeline Integrity Engineer at Petroleum Development Oman
Laser scanning (profilometry) is a relatively new technique used for nondestructive testing and evaluation of numerous structures. It involves using laser technology to capture the three-dimensional…
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