Warren Brand Contributor Bio - Corrosionpedia

Warren Brand

Owner, Chicago Corrosion Group and W Brand Consulting


Warren Brand holds an undergraduate degree in Journalism and a Master’s in Business Administrations in Entrepreneurship. He worked in every aspect, and eventually owned, an industrial coating company for more than 20 years and is currently an industry leader holding an SSPC-PCS (Protective Coating Specialist), a NACE 3 inspector’s certification and is currently a contributing editor and blogger for the industry’s leading technical publication, JPCL (Journal of Protective Coatings and Linings) both domestically and in Europe.

He owns Chicago Corrosion Group, a technical consulting firm, W Brand Consulting, a business development firm focusing on the paint and coatings industry; and is creator and owner of Engineered Corrosion Solutions, a Midwest technical conference on corrosion. He is also an avid martial artist, focusing primarily on combat arts and teaches Combat Ju Jutsu at a Northwestern University club.

Articles by Warren Brand

Q&A by Warren Brand

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