Free Tools and Downloads Library

This section includes various free downloads, including whitepapers, reports, presentation slides, and other valuable resources that will help professionals.
Whitepaper - Remote Monitoring: Past, Present & Future - GPT Industries - Corrosionpedia
Remote monitoring: Where has it been, where is it currently, and where is it headed? Find out in this whitepaper by GPT Industries.
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Learn more about corrosion under insulation and industrial pipe insulating systems in this whitepaper by Owens Corning and Corrosionpedia.
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GARDCO and Corrosionpedia explain how advanced testing kits are a beacon of hope in the murky seas of challenges facing protective coatings.
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Featured image of Corrosionpedia and GPT Industries whitepaper download: Understanding Corrosion in Water Pipelines: A Guide for Pipeline Designers
In this whitepaper by Corrosionpedia and GPT Industries, we take a look at what causes corrosion in water pipelines.
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These eight key steps can help you prevent corrosion failures and ensure the durability and safety of your structures.
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This paper provides an overview of why over-voltage protection on isolation joints is needed as well as a brief description of the two most common protection technologies: spark gaps and solid-state…
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This paper explores the use of flange isolation kits (FIKs) and monolithic isolation joints (MIJs) for preventing corrosion within underground and above ground pipelines. It covers the advantages and…
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Take a deep dive into each component that makes up an MIJ in an effort to provide the information and context that is necessary to properly specify an MIJ, either for your project or for your company…
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The balance between oil production and reducing greenhouse gas emissions is a difficult one to strike; fortunately new technologies can help reduce pipeline emissions in a way that helps oil and gas…
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Expand your knowledge of the chemistry, properties, applications and examples of use for the broad range of epoxy coatings with this whitepaper..
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Isolation gaskets are an inherent part of the pipeline industry, and play a vital role in protecting pipeline assets and meeting emissions requirements. Glass epoxy-based gaskets have been used for…
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This guide examines the recycling of solvents to reduce hazardous wastes, expenses and the burden of regulatory requirements. Various recycling methods—including refrigeration machine…
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