Editorial Review Policy

Editorial Standards

Corrosionpedia is committed to delivering high-quality corrosion education to industry professionals. Our content aims to cover corrosion mitigation from every angle, including CUI, surface prep, coatings and more. Our aim is to provide the highest-quality content from industry experts on a free platform.

This site is advertiser supported, but we aim to make those relationships as clear as possible by clearly labeling advertiser-sponsored content and highlighting advertiser relationships where they exist according to FTC guidelines.

All of our contributors are free to write on any topic they choose as long as they abide by the following guiding principles:

  • All contributions must be educational or informative.
  • All contributions must be non-promotional.
  • All articles must be professional and respectful to others in the industry.
  • Original content is given preference over syndicated content.

Corrosionpedia takes no editorial point of view regarding any subject matter.  All contributors are welcome to produce content with any point of view, and all rebuttals that abide by our editorial principles will be considered for publication. All articles are subject to editing and approval by our team of professional editors. Although our content is evergreen, our editorial team evaluates older content on an ongoing basis to ensure that it is up to date and continues to provide value.

If you find an error or something you think could be improved, please let us know.


Corrosionpedia’s offices are located in downtown Edmonton, Alberta.

2200 10130 103 St. NW
Edmonton, AB T5J 3N9

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