What Does
Coating Inspector Mean?
A coating inspector is an individual who has undergone a training and certification program such as the NACE Coating Inspection Program (CIP). A primary role of a coating inspector is to judge the conditions where a coating, paint or spray is to be applied and suggest the types of coatings that will protect materials from harsh corrosive environments.
A coating inspector may also be known as a paint inspector.
Corrosionpedia Explains Coating Inspector
A coating inspector must undergo a formal industry recognized certification program of study that is designed to improve the overall quality of the inspection techniques performed. There are two levels of coating inspectors: Level 1 and Level 2.
Level 1 provides coating inspector information on techniques for corrosion prevention with the help of coatings and paints, quality control and inspection, information on conducting a surface inspection for surface preparation and coating application, information on coating specifications, safety and project inspections.
Level 2 provides coating inspector information on the roles and responsibilities a coating inspector must follow, the role of a coating manufacturer on a coating project, the methods used for the application of a coating, coating method evaluation, step-by-step preparation of an inspection plan and dealing with unusual situations such as overcoating or a low amount of coating.