
National Association Of Corrosion Engineers International (NACE)

Last updated: July 19, 2024

What Does National Association Of Corrosion Engineers International (NACE) Mean?

The National Association of Engineers (NACE) International is a standards developer that is globally recognized as the leading authority for corrosion control solutions. It is charged with creating and providing corrosion prevention and control standards used by industries in which corrosion is a key concern.

Headquartered in Houston, Texas, NACE International was formed in 1943 as the National Association of Corrosion Engineers. The organization serves nearly 30,000 members from 116 countries. In 2020, NACE and the Society for Protective Coatings (SSPC) announced a merger agreement.


Corrosionpedia Explains National Association Of Corrosion Engineers International (NACE)

NACE International's standards are written and approved by industry professionals, professors, government officials and experts from regulatory and governing bodies. Its standards are divided into the following three areas:

  • When corrosion is a factor, standard practices are methods of selection, design, installation or operation of a material or system.
  • Test methods are tests related to corrosion prevention and control.
  • Material requirements are standards that define the required material characteristics when corrosion is a factor in material selection, application and maintenance.

NACE's main focus of activities includes cathodic protection, industry coatings and material selection for specific chemical resistance. Standing committees review and update standards every five years. The organization provides technical certification and training programs, conferences, industry standards, reports, publications, technical journals, government relations activities and more.

NACE is a member of the American National Standards Institute (ANSI).


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