What Does
Flow Control Mean?
Flow control is a mechanism that regulates the flow or pressure of liquid. To be able to effectively manage flow control, flow control valves are used.
The flow control of liquids is regulated as these respond to signals that are produced by independent devices like temperature gauges as well as flow meters.
Flow control is an important aspect in process plants where there are many control loops that hold essential process variables like flow, pressure, temperature and level. With proper flow control the quality of the end product can be guaranteed and disturbances that could cause corrosion damage can be prevented.
Corrosionpedia Explains Flow Control
In order to maintain proper flow control, control valves are used, usually with positioners and actuators. The most common flow control valves include:
- Diaphragm valves
- Globe valves
- Butterfly valves
Flow control valves are commonly present in hydraulic actuators. With such, automatic flow control valves are used and the actuator responds to flow and pressure changes. The changes cause the valve to open and close.
There is no need for external power to regulate flow control since control valves can be triggered by fluid or air pressure. Generally, control valves include parts that make the valve open until vessels or tanks reach the maximum level.