
Nonvolatile Matter (NVM)

Last updated: July 19, 2024

What Does Nonvolatile Matter (NVM) Mean?

Nonvolatile matter is defined as the coating content remaining after all water, solvents and other volatiles have been evaporated or removed. The amount of nonvolatile matter in a paint or coating can be expressed as either a weight or a volume. This information is useful to coating manufacturers and users for determining the total solids available in the film formation.


Corrosionpedia Explains Nonvolatile Matter (NVM)

The quantity of nonvolatile matter in a paint or coating can also be used to determine the percentage of volatile content. Volatile organic compound (VOC) content is especially useful to local authorities because VOCs can have adverse effects on the environment.

Modern health and safety regulations enforce restrictions on the total amount of volatile compounds allowed in products such as paints, coatings and solvents. Additionally, many consumers are now making a conscious decision to purchase coatings that are designated as low-VOC. As such, many paint and coating manufacturers have responded by producing products with lower amounts of volatile matter.

The ASTM D2832 standard is used in the paint and coating industry to determine the amount of volatile and nonvolatile matter in paints and coatings.


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