Alkaline cleaner refers to cleaning agents that contain highly potent bases such as potassium hydroxide and sodium hydroxide. This type of cleaner can dissolve fats, oils, grease and other deposits that are protein based. Most of the time, dispersing agents are also added to put off re-deposition… View Full Term
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A basic overview of the patina layer that forms during the atmospheric corrosion of copper and its alloys. How the patina forms and how to care for valuable copper objects.
By: Francisco Servigna | Process and Corrosion Engineer, Venezuelan National Oil Company
How Liquid-Infused Porous Surface Coating on Steel Can Resist Biofouling...
By: Krystal Nanan | Civil Engineer
The minimal use or lack of solvents makes waterborne coatings a viable way to meet or exceed stringent environmental and personal health and safety standards.
The Characteristics of and Applications for Fluoropolymer Coatings on...
By: Shivananda Prabhu
A look at the chemical nature of aluminum and aluminum corrosion, aluminum oxide film formation, and the uses of aluminum, aluminum oxide and aluminum alloys.
Corrosion is a common issue that affects metals and other materials over time. When these materials are exposed to the environment, chemical interactions begin to affect the material, causing deterioration. The most common...
By: Merrick Alpert | President and a Member of the Board of Directors of EonCoat, LLC.
Your Guide to Corrosion-Resistant MetalsThere's many many different corrosion-resistant metals out there and a guide to understanding them all would be greatly beneficial to our readers.Where are they used?How are they...
By: Corrosionpedia Staff
Materials are made up of a wide variety of atomic structures. However, metals in particular almost always have their atoms organized in a crystalline...
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