
Volatile Content

Last updated: July 19, 2024

What Does Volatile Content Mean?

Volatile content is material that can be easily transformed into a vapor. Volatile content undergoes this transformation so readily because it has a high vapor pressure. The rapid evaporation that volatile content can undergo is used advantageously in many applications.


Corrosionpedia Explains Volatile Content

Volatile content is readily transformed from a solid or a liquid into a vapor because it has a high vapor pressure. Because the high vapor pressure is the reason that the volatile content is transformed into a vapor, temperature has less of an effect on evaporation. This can be useful in instances where a liquid or a solid has to dry quickly, even if the temperature is low or the humidity is high.

Volatile content is frequently used in paints and other types of coatings because of its ability to evaporate quickly and allow the coating to dry rapidly. Volatile content is mixed with a coating substance to make it less viscous, allowing it to be used by several different application methods such as spraying, dipping or rolling. Then the volatile content dries quickly, allowing the coating to solidify and adhere to the base material.

Volatile content is also often used for cleaners such as isopropyl (rubbing) alcohol.

A major type of substance with volatile content is volatile organic compounds (VOC's). Care must be taken when using this type of volatile content because they can cause harm to health and the environment.


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