
Quantitative Fit Test

Last updated: July 19, 2024

What Does Quantitative Fit Test Mean?

A quantitative fit test is a standardized procedure used to evaluate the suitability and compatibility of a respirator face piece with the facial structure of the intended wearer. Care is given to ensure that the respirator fully covers the wearer's mouth and nose, preventing any external atmosphere contaminant from penetrating the face piece.


Corrosionpedia Explains Quantitative Fit Test

A quantitative fit test is vital to ensure that the wearer is not exposed to any hazardous environments or substances that may adversely affect their health or ability to work efficiently.

This is important when workers use hazardous substances or perform corrosion inspections in a confined space such as at the bottom of tanks, cyclones or sumps. The inside bottom of such equipment tends to be the most corrosion prone and as such are regularly inspected. However, these locations have limited ventilation, resulting in the buildup of toxic fumes, reactants and gaseous substances.

Workers should conduct a confined space hazard assessment, a quantitive fit test and an atmospheric chemical test before entering.


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