What Does
Stray Current Mapper (SCM) Mean?
A stray current mapper (SCM) is a monitoring type of equipment used to measure the flow of electricity due to imbalances, flaws or external factors around a metal’s structure. Results from this survey are then used to prevent pipeline corrosion.
Corrosionpedia Explains Stray Current Mapper (SCM)
A stray current mapper (SCM) operates by measuring the characteristics of an electric current around an aboveground or underground pipeline. The electric current is measured and charted over the length of the pipe. This information can be used to prevent corrosion.
Most pipeline corrosion occurs due to an electrochemical reaction in the presence of an electrolyte. The electrochemical nature of the process facilitates the detection of this deterioration, which is accomplished by monitoring the voltages and the currents associated with the corrosive process.