

Last updated: July 19, 2024

What Does Current Mean?

A current is the flow of an electrical charge. The electrical flow of current is accomplished by moving electrons from one location to another location. Electrons flow easily in solid conductors and electrolytes.

Quantitatively, current is typically expressed in amperes. Current plays a large part in many corrosive processes.


Corrosionpedia Explains Current

Current is commonly measured along with volts and resistance (Ohms). When volts and amps are multiplied together, a measure of power known as watts is derived. If the watts are then multiplied by a length of time over which the power occurs, then energy (in Joules) is calculated.

A current transfers electrons from one location to another where conductive environments are found. This can cause corrosion. An example is a rusty truck in a city where road salt applications are common. The salty water that covers the truck during the winter months is an electrolyte, which allows electrons to flow away from the steel, thus giving the iron in the steel a positive charge. The positive charge makes the iron attractive to other negatively charged atoms such as oxygen atoms. A chemical reaction produces iron oxide, or rust.


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