
Sand Cast

Last updated: July 19, 2024

What Does Sand Cast Mean?

Sand cast is a designation for a component that has been manufactured by using the sand casting process. Sand casted parts are created by pouring molten metal into a sand mold. Once cooled, the sand cast component is broken away from the sand mold.

Sand casting is popular because the process does not typically require expensive tooling when compared to other casting methods. Quick design changes can be made cheaply, and the cast is typically broken after casting anyways. Sand has a high melting point so many different types of hot liquid materials can be formed in sand molds.


Corrosionpedia Explains Sand Cast

A sand cast part is one that has undergone the sand casting process. First, a mold with a specific geometry must be created. Then, sand is packed around this mold. There are typically two molds, one for each half of the sand cast component being made. The mold is removed and a cavity in the shape of the mold is left in the sand. The two halves are then lubricated on their surface areas. They are then clamped together and molten metal is poured into the cavity, which resembles the shape of the sand cast part. After cooling, the sand cast part is removed, which is typically done by breaking the mold.

There may be additional processes to make a part if the shape is more complex or if the requirements are quite stringent. For example, if there are intricate internal veins within the part, then special pattern molds and mold clamping equipment may be required. Also, a sand cast part can emerge quite dirty, so a cleaning process such as shot blasting may be needed. Also, a part will commonly need to be machined after casting to meet the dimensional requirements of the application.


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