What Does
Drain Line Mean?
A drain line carries waste materials to a sewage treatment plant. A drain line also refers to a tube or pipe from a water-conditioning unit that carries backwash water, regeneration waste or rinse water to a drain or waste system.
Corrosionpedia Explains Drain Line
Drain lines are a part of a drain waste vent (DWV) system and are used to expel sewage, grey water and industrial waste fluids.
Drain lines are sometimes vented to maintain sufficient air pressure inside the drain lines to aid the free flow of waste matter.
In a typical home or industry:
- Drainpipes are connected to a network of ventilation pipes that go up through the roof. Venting prevents sewer gases from drifting out of drains into the living quarters.
- Household drains meet below the house in a main drain that carries the wastewater to the municipal sewer lines or to a septic system. A Y-shaped pipe in a basement or crawlspace provides clean-out access.
Corrosive wastewater and material can react with the inside material lining of the drainpipe if they are made of metal. To avoid wear and tear due to corrosion, modern plumbing solutions use PVC drain lines because they are corrosion resistant.