
Remote Monitoring: Past, Present & Future



Last updated: July 19, 2024

What Does Backwash Mean?

Backwash is a type of preventive measure to maintain the conditions of filter media. It is widely used in the field of water treatment, such as sewage treatment and water purification.

It involves pumping the water backwards via filter media along with the utilization of compressed air. Effective backwashing can account for the success of water treating facilities.


Corrosionpedia Explains Backwash

Backwash treatment includes several steps. First, the water is drained and the compressed air within is pushed through the filter, leading to suspension of accumulated particles. Then, the clean water is pushed upwards throughout the filter bed. As the cycle ends, the upward water flow shuts off and filter beds stabilize in their original configuration.

Oxygen and other physical impurities can cause detrimental conditions within the loop system, resulting in pipe breakdowns and failures in regulators, valves, boilers, controls, fittings and other forms of mechanical equipment. Such malfunctions can increase corrosion, wear and tear as well as buildup of sludge.

The negative effects of impurities in water treatment filters and other components can affect their life span and efficiency. Through effective backwashing, removal of oxygen as well as filtration of granules can be achieved. Additionally, there can be enhanced heat transfer within the system fluids, leading to optimal efficiency of boilers. Most importantly, the risks of corrosion can be reduced significantly through backwashing.


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