
Frank Newman Speller Award

Last updated: July 19, 2024

What Does Frank Newman Speller Award Mean?

The Frank Newman Speller Award is an award given by the National Association of Corrosion Engineers (NACE) for significant contributions to corrosion engineering.

An individual who has made a national or international contribution to corrosion engineering through some form of education or works may qualify.


Corrosionpedia Explains Frank Newman Speller Award

The Frank Newman Speller Award is a NACE award which is given to individuals who have made significant contributions in the field of corrosion engineering. This contribution can be national or international, and must consist of education or work facilitating the control of corrosion or making it less costly through promoting development or improvement of:

  • Methods
  • Processes
  • Apparatus or equipment
  • Materials

The Frank Newman Speller Award was named in honor of Frank Newman Speller, Sr. (January 1, 1875 – January 1, 1968), a Canadian-born American metallurgical engineer notable for his pioneering text on corrosion in 1926. He was the first recipient of the award in 1947.

A maximum of one award may be given in any year, and the recipient receives an inscribed award and an honorarium of $1,000.


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