What Does
Intercoat Blistering Mean?
Intercoat blistering refers to a type of a paint defect of an applied coating on a substrate that is due to inadequate moisture concentrations in the interface between the substrate and the coating. Such coatings are applied to metal surfaces as protection against corrosion.
Corrosionpedia Explains Intercoat Blistering
Intercoat blistering is often caused by applying a protective coating on a substrate surface that is too cold. It is also caused by moisture migration after the application of a coating due to pressure differentials. Both scenarios generate the formation of a blister on the metal's surface.
Intercoat blistering can be prevented by monitoring the temperature variance while the coating is applied. In addition, the moisture content should conform to the coating manufacturer's guidelines.
Intercoat blistering is often due to moisture entrapment and may lead to intercoat delamination if not addressed.