
Corrosion Probe

Last updated: July 19, 2024

What Does Corrosion Probe Mean?

A corrosion probe is a type of electrochemical response monitoring device that is used to record live corrosion rate data in a given chemical environment.

The probes are usually placed in direct contact with metallic objects or structures that are prone to corrosion. They are often used to extract electrical resistance readings in petroleum, chemical and industrial processing environments.


Corrosionpedia Explains Corrosion Probe

Corrosion probes are used for proactive maintenance activities intended to prevent catastrophic failures of materials and equipment. Such failures may have significant costs associated with them if left uncorrected.

The most common type of corrosion probe is the linear polarization resistance probe (LPR), which is primarily used by the water industry and for high-moisture environments. These probes provide very precise readings and are suitable for monitoring fluctuations such as corrosion inhibitor effects on a routine basis.


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