
Handhole Cover

Last updated: July 19, 2024

What Does Handhole Cover Mean?

A handhole cover is a device used to close the opening of a handhole. It is used for excluding light, moisture and liquid from handholes, which are provided to afford a hold for the hands in lifting or handling the interior of tanks or tubes.

Handhole covers are made from materials that are lightweight, corrosion resistant and do not absorb water. Handhole covers may have different sizes and shapes; they can be flat, curved as well as oval and rectangular.

Handhole covers are also known as handhole plates.


Corrosionpedia Explains Handhole Cover

Handhole covers form a watertight seal with the handhole opening, which prevents water from infiltrating into the body attached to handhole, such as boilers, tanks, etc. By preventing water infiltration, it prevents corrosion of the body’s interior at the base. Corrosion leads to section loss of the boilers or other bodies, which can lead to catastrophic failure of the structure.

If a handhole cover does not form a watertight seal with the handhole opening, it allows water to corrode the interior of the attached body.

Handhole covers should have properties like:

  • Durable and weather resistant
  • Corrosion and fire resistant
  • Forms watertight seal
  • Prevents water infiltration to the body
  • Prevents corrosion at the base of the body
  • Easy to insert bolts and metal


Handhole Plates

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