
Mitigating Corrosion Under Insulation and Supporting the Longevity of Industrial Pipe Insulating Systems



Last updated: July 19, 2024

What Does Sealing Mean?

Sealing is the surface-to-surface joining technique of materials using a substance which usually is of a different type, and which adheres to the surfaces of the two adherents to be joined, transferring the forces from one adherent to the other. The substance used for sealing is known as a sealant or sealer.

Certain sealants, like adhesives, can be used to assemble parts, and many adhesives can be used to seal.


Corrosionpedia Explains Sealing

Sealing is used to fasten or seal two surfaces together, usually producing a smooth bond. This joining technique involves glues, epoxies or various plastic agents that bond by evaporation of a solvent or by curing a bonding agent with heat, pressure or time.

Sealants are most commonly used to:

  • Exclude dust, dirt, moisture and chemicals
  • Contain a liquid or gas
  • Coat and protect a surface
  • Improve appearance
  • Perform a joining function

For example, sealing is applied to concrete to protect it from surface damage, staining and corrosion. It either blocks the pores in the concrete to reduce absorption of water and salts or forms an impermeable layer which prevents such materials from passing through. Sealed concrete also resists chemicals and corrosion, making it useful for kitchens and scientific laboratories. Unsealed concrete, however, tends to break down more quickly, so it may need to be replaced more often.

Induction sealing is a process that can create a hermetically sealed container without any physical contact taking place, which typically involves liners that are composed of foil and other materials. This procedure is used to seal a wide range of products, including medications, food products, motor oil and others. With processes such as conductive sealing, physical contact is required between a metal plate and the liner, which can slow down processing.

Industries that commonly use sealing include:

  • Construction
  • Consumer products
  • Transportation
  • Industrial
  • Aerospace
  • Appliance
  • Electronics

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