
Gas Lift

Last updated: July 19, 2024

What Does Gas Lift Mean?

A gas lift is an artificial lift method that uses an external high-pressure gas source to supplement the formation gas to raise well fluids by introducing bubbles of water vapor, compressed air or some other vaporous bubbles into the outlet tube of the well.

This method reduces the hydrostatic pressure present at the outlet tube of the well below the hydrostatic pressure at the inlet tube of the well. Compressed air is introduced into the well through various entry points known as gas lift valves. Bubbles form when the gas enters the well, which lighten the fluids, lower the pressure and increase the well’s production rate.


Corrosionpedia Explains Gas Lift

A gas lift is suitable for lifting the fluids in a well. It is a method in which gas is infused into the well to reduce the hydrostatic pressure of the fluids and help the reservoir fluids enter into the wellbore with a higher flow rate. The gas being injected is generally transmitted down the casing-tubing annulus that enters the production train via numerous gas lift valves. Gas lift valves are simple devices with few moving parts and they are useful since the sand burdened fluids do not pass through these valves.

The scarcity of space for the compressors on well platforms, their cost and required maintenance limit the application of gas lifts.


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