
Hydrostatic Pressure

Last updated: July 19, 2024

What Does Hydrostatic Pressure Mean?

Hydrostatic pressure refers to the measure of potential energy that is exerted by a fluid relative to the force of gravity acting upon the fluid. The greater the distance of the fluid from the ground, the greater the hydrostatic pressure experienced and vice versa.

Hydrostatic pressure has a direct influence on the degree of corrosion experienced by a metallic surface, primarily around the enhancement of the mechanical properties of any passive film coating layer on the metal being protected.


Corrosionpedia Explains Hydrostatic Pressure

Hydrostatic pressure influences the corrosion response of steel. The presence of free corrosion causing ions such as Cl at a high hydrostatic pressure increases the rate of corrosion experienced by a metallic object exposed to such an environment, such as salt water.

Hydrostatic pressure is the governing property used to evaluate hydrostatic test results. Hydrostatic tests can determine the strength and leak-resistance of pressure vessels such as fuel tanks, pipelines, gas cylinders and boilers. This is one of the easiest methods to detect leaks in pressure vessels. This test is among the most reliable and safe methods used to determine the integrity of a newly manufactured pressure vessel or of a vessel after repairs or alterations and before the commissioning stage.


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