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Xenon Arc

Last updated: July 19, 2024

What Does Xenon Arc Mean?

A xenon arc is an electrical discharge that occurs between two electrodes in an environment that is mostly filled with ionized xenon gas. A fused quartz material is typically used to contain the pressurized xenon gas.

A xenon arc is noted for its very bright, white luminescent light that is similar to sunlight. For this reason it is often used for daylight simulations and weathering tests of polymers. The light emitted by a xenon arc is also known for its continuous spanning across the wavelengths of light visible to the human eye, which make xenon arc lamps desirable for visual projection devices and microscopy.


Corrosionpedia Explains Xenon Arc

A xenon arc is created in a xenon arc lamp, which consists of a fused quartz envelope. Fused quartz is used because it can contain the xenon gas that is typically at a high pressure and because it is sufficiently heat-resistant to withstand the electrical arc.

The electrical xenon arc occurs between two electrodes that are frequently made from an alloyed tungsten. Tungsten alloyed with thorium is a popular choice. The xenon arc spans between the two tungsten electrodes through the ionized xenon gas.


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