
Notched Trowel

Last updated: July 19, 2024

What Does Notched Trowel Mean?

This is a steel blade tool used in the construction industry for spreading, scooping, leveling, combing and finishing adhesives and mortars during wall, ceiling or floor installations. It is mostly used in the installation of hardwood and tiles. Its aim is to provide better tile adhesion and ensure that the right level of thinset is achieved.


Corrosionpedia Explains Notched Trowel

The tool is designed with notches at the front and the side of the blade, while the back and the other side remain smooth. The blades can be available in four notches: the v, u, square and slanted notches.

The V-notched trowel is used in the installation of wood floors on vertical surfaces (walls) and direct glue-down carpeting. The U-notched trowel is used in vinyl flooring installations. The square-notched trowel is used in the installation of both vinyl and hardwood floor installations. The slanted-notched trowel can be used in all floor installations, providing better tile installation.

The notched trowels are available in various sizes such that the trowel size should match the tile size. However, the efficiency of the trowel differs among the four types with the square and slanted-notched trowel providing better thinset spread patterns. Therefore, the size and type of tile will determine the notched trowel to be used. It creates uniformity in the application of adhesives when the ridges formed collapse, providing maximum coverage.


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