

Last updated: July 19, 2024

What Does Benzene Mean?

This is a chemical liquid formed from natural processes and human activities derived from coal, crude oils and other by-products of oil-refining processes. It is also known as benzol, phene, coal naptha, cyclohexatriene and phenyl hydride: built from carbon and hydrogen atoms—a ring of six carbon atoms, each attached to one hydrogen. It is used in the manufacturing of organic compounds as solvents and an intermediate.


Corrosionpedia Explains Benzene

Volcanoes and forests are the natural sources where one can obtain benzene. It enters into the air as a gaseous substance after burning oil and coal. It is slightly soluble in water and since it is less dense than water, it can float on it; it is miscible in other organic components. Under recommended storage conditions, benzene remains stable: it is always kept away from confined spaces.

The flammable liquid has an odor threshold of 12 ppm, but varies greatly. It boils at 80.1°C. It is colorless in nature and detected by its sweet odor. As a health hazard chemical substance, it is listed as a carcinogen and mutagen.

It reacts explosively with oxidizing agents and triggers corrosion by attacking some plastics, rubber and coatings. The addition of moisture in the presence of benzene increases its corrosion action. It is commonly used in making synthetic fibers, plastics, resins, nylons, lubricants, dyes and detergents.


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