
Absolute Pressure (AP)

Last updated: July 19, 2024

What Does Absolute Pressure (AP) Mean?

Absolute pressure (AP) is the term used to describe the state of zero pressure against the total volume. In pressure measurement, absolute pressure is contained in the "0 reference" trinity which includes:

  • Differential pressure
  • Gauge pressure
  • Absolute pressure

AP serves as the perfect reference against a total vacuum. It is the preferred method when gauging quantities where the absolutes are identified.


Corrosionpedia Explains Absolute Pressure (AP)

Pressure plays a significant role in corrosion. Therefore, in industries where pressure is one of the mechanisms utilized, pressure sensors are normally used to measure the corrosiveness of gases and liquids that pass through the machinery and equipment. Knowledge about absolute pressure and measurement is important in order to fully utilize these sensors and to implement proper measures to mitigate corrosion.

In terms of measurements such as in pressure, nothing is absolute. However, it is possible to gauge things by measuring them relative to something else. In air pressure, measurement is relative to a perfect vacuum or temperature in the ambient air.

In order to produce sensors for absolute pressure, manufacturers typically seal high vacuum behind the sensor parts. Having such tools can be helpful in measuring pressure in tires as well as other machinery used in industry.


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