
Atmospheric Pressure

Last updated: July 19, 2024

What Does Atmospheric Pressure Mean?

Atmospheric pressure is the force that the weight of air exerts on a surface.

It is usually estimated through hydrostatic pressure, which is produced by the total weight of air above the spot to be measured. This type of pressure can be applied in many industrial processes, including corrosion protection.


Corrosionpedia Explains Atmospheric Pressure

The atmospheric pressure of a certain point increases along with the increase of the air weight above that point, and vice versa. If applied in molecules of air, more molecules give off force to the surface as its number on the surface also increases, and the other way around. This, consequently, increases the pressure as well.

Atmospheric pressure is commonly gauged through an apparatus called a barometer. Accurate measurement is essential to control corrosion. Atmospheric pressure plays a crucial role in the application of anti-corrosion coating, especially those that are composed of organic silicon. This type of coating is usually applied through a system that utilizes atmospheric pressure. In this process, a gas mixture is introduced to the atmospheric pressure barrier wherein the polymerization of plasma takes place.

The end result is an enhanced structure and integrity of the coating and most of all, improved active protection of all coating layers.


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