
Ash Removal Additives

Last updated: July 19, 2024

What Does Ash Removal Additives Mean?

Ash removal additives are substances added to fuels which take part in combustion to reduce the amount of precipitator ash produced from oxidation of certain contaminants or impurities. They are used to prevent pollution by reducing the amount of residue produced when water is evaporated and organic matter burnt; these residues can easily become airborne since they are light in weight. Ash removal additives acts as filters before the exhaust gas is released into the atmosphere. Ash removal additives help in protecting parts from corrosion, increasing durability and producing greener emissions into the atmosphere.


Corrosionpedia Explains Ash Removal Additives

After refinery, oils produced are less than 100% pure since certain impurities have thermal resistance. Most organizations prefer the use of additives to enhance the properties of the oil, depending on the qualities required. The amount of ash produced in coal is estimated to be 100 times that produced in oil. The production of ash particles makes oil less environmentally friendly.

Ash removal additives are used to counter the ash-forming components before the combustion process. The additives tend to crystallize the ash particles, thus preventing them from being airborne. Ash content can be present in refined oil, and to determine this one can compare the weight of the fuel to standard fuel of the same capacity. The aim of the additives is to reduce the solubility of the ash-forming compounds inside the oil.


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