What Does
Tank Farm Mean?
A tank farm refers to an area or facility used exclusively for the storage of chemicals such as petroleum. It includes all of the tanks and equipment of this area. Liquid petrochemicals are stored in a tank farm before being sent to end consumers or retail facilities. Tank farms are also common when producing or handling acid of varying concentrations and qualities.
Tank farms may be affected by corrosion and fire, so proper corrosion and fire protection is necessary.
In the petroleum industry, a tank farm is also known as an oil depot, installation or oil terminal.
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Corrosionpedia Explains Tank Farm
A tank farm is an area used mostly for the storage of oil and/or petrochemical products in large tanks. From the tank farm, petroleum products are distributed to end users or further storage facilities. Tank farms consist of:
- Tankage, either above ground or underground
- Gantries for the discharge of products into road tankers or other vehicles (such as barges) or pipelines.
These farms are traditionally installed close to oil refineries or in locations where marine ships and tankers can take on or discharge their products. Some oil depots have facilities to draw petroleum products through pipelines and are fed by rail, barge and road tankers. Selecting suitable locations for tank farms includes making it easy to transport liquid products from tanks.
A tank farm is relatively simple, and in most cases no processing or other transformation on site is required. Sometimes additives are added to the tanks to ensure that the liquid will flow.
Corrosion in a tank farm can be controlled by using cathodic protection systems.