

Last updated: July 19, 2024

What Does Precipitation Mean?

Precipitation refers to the physical process of a solid or liquid particulate dispersing from a fluid. Precipitation is often seen in corrosion protection substances, such as when a pigment settles during the removal of salts and water from the pigment mixture.

Precipitation may also be known as solid solution strengthening.


Corrosionpedia Explains Precipitation

Precipitation is when a solid (a precipitate) is created in a solution during a chemical reaction or by diffusion. The chemical that drives the solid formation is referred to as the precipitant. Typically, a precipitate remains suspended in the solution due to inadequate gravitational forces acting upon it.

The metallurgy process of alloy strengthening uses the process of precipitation from solid solutions. This process is also known as solid solution strengthening and may be used when purifying products or removing contamination. Contaminants may lead to corrosion in equipment such as heat exchanges or boilers when the particulate matter adheres to a metal's surface, causing pitting and crevice corrosion.

Precipitation can also cause atmospheric corrosion and the hardening of metal alloys.



Solid Solution Strengthening

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