
Suspended Solids (SS)

Last updated: July 19, 2024

What Does Suspended Solids (SS) Mean?

Suspended solids (SS) is the amount of tiny solid particles that remain suspended in water and act as a colloid. The measurement of suspended solids is one way of gauging water quality.

Suspended solids are common in wastewater applications and should not be mistaken for settleable solids, which are also abbreviated as SS. When suspended solids are left untreated, these can contribute to sewer pipe blockage and cause damage to other systems.


Corrosionpedia Explains Suspended Solids (SS)

Regarded as the universal solvent, as it can dissolve almost anything, water can pose threats to industrial machinery. Corrosion reactions result in the hampering of metal dissolution through water. Deposition reactions that commonly result from heat transfers can change water’s solvency capabilities since its temperature may differ.

Aside from controlling the quality of drinking water, eliminating suspended solids and other water impurities through technologies, water treatment is focused on preventing scaling and corrosion.

Various industries implement measures in gauging suspended solids. Quick measurements and analysis can be performed by using instruments such as a camlab and spectrophotometer. The analysis should be done gravimetrically to produce accurate results.

Through the accurate measurement of suspended solids and water impurities, proper treatments can be implemented, such as water filters and sedimentation. By eliminating suspended solids, water quality is greatly improved and the chances of developing corrosion in industrial operating systems are greatly reduced.


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