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Brackish Water

Last updated: July 19, 2024

What Does Brackish Water Mean?

Brackish water has a higher level of salinity than fresh water, but a lower level than seawater. This is produced as a result of the mixture of fresh water and seawater, or possibly in aquifers of brackish fossils.

Various industries such as farming and engineering can contribute to the production of brackish water. When not managed accordingly, this type of water can cause damage to the environment.


Corrosionpedia Explains Brackish Water

Brackish water has about 1 to 2.5% sodium chloride, which can come from natural sources like seawater or fresh water dilution. This kind of water is different from open sea water for many reasons. For instance, the biological activity for brackish water is modified significantly due to its higher nutrient concentration. With this high amount of nutrients, fouling can be a serious problem.

The kind of fouling agents that can be found depend on the source such as estuaries, harbor bays and farms. The major factor involved for the marked differences is the salinity and the degree of fouling or damage as well as slit prevalence.

With brackish water, environmental corrosion can easily take place depending on several factors such as:

  • Average temperature
  • Local currents
  • Penetration and depth of light
  • Other operative factors

The existence of pollutants in brackish water is also vital in its damaging effects to the environment.

Accurate monitoring and measurement of salinity and the observation of possible harmful effects of brackish water should be a common practice to mitigate its hazardous effects.


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