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Air-assisted Airless Sprayer

Last updated: July 19, 2024

What Does Air-assisted Airless Sprayer Mean?

An air-assisted airless sprayer pumps paint under a very high pressure (around 3000 psi) through a small hole in the sprayer’s nozzle that atomizes the paint. Airless spray is a painting technique that simplifies the painting process.

Airless spraying is often preferred because the end result is a smooth and even finish that can withstand wear and tear and resist corrosion.


Corrosionpedia Explains Air-assisted Airless Sprayer

In the air-assisted airless spray technique, spray guns that work at high pressure atomize the coating. This painting system is used in heavy-duty marine, chemical and industrial linings and coatings. The major advantages include:

  • Better penetration of the coating into crevices and pits.
  • An even coating, which means fewer coats are needed.
  • A wet coating, which guarantees excellent flow-out and adhesion.

In this system, almost any coating can be sprayed using only a small amount of thinner. This shortens the drying time and reduces the solvents released into the atmosphere. Various tips are available for the spray gun, which allow the application of thicker house paints as well as thinner ones, such as varnish and lacquer. Additionally, airless spray painting allows for more even pressure control and speed, unless the direction is changed.

However, caution is advised when applying paint through this method, because injuries are possible due to the high pressures involved.


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