
Mitigating Corrosion Under Insulation and Supporting the Longevity of Industrial Pipe Insulating Systems


Non-conductive Coating

Last updated: July 19, 2024

What Does Non-conductive Coating Mean?

Non-conductive coatings are specialized coatings that limit the transfer of heat or electricity to the metal substrate with the coating applied. Most non-conductive coatings are organic in nature and achieve their insulative properties by being devoid of conductive metals such as copper, zinc and nickel. Classes of non-conductive coatings include:

  • Polyurethanes
  • Epoxies
  • Ceramic coatings
  • Polymers

A non-conductive coating may also be known as an insulating coating or insulation coating.


Corrosionpedia Explains Non-conductive Coating

Non-conductive coatings are used in applications where heat and electrical insulation are required. They are typically applied to metallic surfaces due to metal’s naturally high conductivity. When used for heat insulation, the coating acts as a thermal barrier that limits the thermal exposure of metal components, therefore preventing overheating failures such as thermal fatigue, warping and melting.

When used for electrical insulation, the coating prevents the flow of unwanted electricity through metal components. Some items that are commonly coated with non-conductive coatings include handheld tools, wires, circuits and automotive engine parts.



Insulating Coating

Insulation Coating

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