What Does
Titanium Mean?
Titanium is one of the most noble materials in the galvanic series of metals, which means that when coupled with other metals it will almost always act as a cathode in the galvanic cell, hence, there will be no galvanic corrosion on titanium.
Titanium becomes the anode in a galvanic couple in reducing environments where the oxide film breaks down. In slightly reducing environments or in environments that form complexions with titanium, its tendency to corrode depends upon the presence of metal ion inhibitors and alloying elements, temperature and other variables.
Corrosionpedia Explains Titanium
Titanium is a solid and established metal for dealing with corrosion-prone applications. Titanium is protected from corrosion by a thin film of oxygen on its surface. Oxygen reacts with titanium to form titanium dioxide, which acts as a barrier against corrosion. This barrier can only be broken if the titanium is placed in an environment that is very rich in chloride. In the chemical processing industry, titanium and its alloys offer good corrosion resistance in many process solutions and owe this corrosion resistance to the strong oxide film.
While titanium is resistant to most normal environmental conditions, it is not completely immune and can be susceptible to pitting and crevice attack, especially at elevated temperatures. It is susceptible to seawater corrosion if the temperature is greater than about 110 °C (230 °F).
Titanium solutions are found in several industries, such as pulp and paper and marine applications. A major use for titanium is in seawater or brackish water applications. It is also used extensively in chlorine production.