
High Electrical Resistance

Last updated: July 19, 2024

What Does High Electrical Resistance Mean?

High electrical resistance is the opposition to current flow within a circuit. Electrical resistance explains the relationship between voltage and current.

A high electrical resistance of an electrical conductor is the opposition to the flow of an electric current through that conductor; the inverse measure is known as electrical conductance. The SI unit of electrical resistance is the ohm (O).

The property of high electrical resistance has important applications in electrical and electronic devices. It is often used in electrical resistance corrosion probes to monitor corrosion in semiconducting environments such as oil, gas and the atmosphere.


Corrosionpedia Explains High Electrical Resistance

Variables affecting electrical resistance are:

  • Total length – The longer the wire, the higher the resistance.
  • Cross-sectional area of the wire – Wider wires have a larger cross-sectional area. Assuming other variables are constant, a charge can flow at a higher rate through wires with a larger cross-sectional area than through thinner wires.
  • Conductibility of a material – The conductibility of a material relies upon the material's electronic structure and its temperature. For most materials, electric resistance increases with increasing temperature.

An object of uniform cross section has a resistance proportional to its electric resistance and its length, and inversely proportional to its cross-sectional area. All materials show some resistance, except for superconductors, which have a resistance of zero.

An ohmmeter is an instrument that measures resistance.

One of the most common electronic methods to monitor corrosion is the electrical resistance technique. This technique involves measuring the change in electrical resistance of a conducting part and using this rate of change to calculate the corrosion rate.



Electrical Resistance

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