What Does
Tank Lining Mean?
This is a coating designed to cure at low temperatures and is applied inside and outside a tank to provide the ultimate protection of the substrate material from chemical attack.
This lining offers corrosion resistance and maintains toughness in metallic, plastic and concrete tanks, which offers storage for petroleum products, chemicals and other reactive solvents.
Corrosionpedia Explains Tank Lining
In order for high performance and durability to be achieved, tank linings have to be used to protect the interior and the exterior surfaces from damage. This has led to the use of epoxy elastomeric products sprayed on the surfaces of these tanks to achieve a membrane that forms a resilient layer of protection. The use of primers with synthetic polymer products is highly practiced in this process.
Since the beginning of the 20th century, high-density cement motor lining has been used as a form of tank lining. Factors that make it a suitable lining method in tanks are:
- The absorption rate of oxygen and moisture is minimal.
- The pH of the lining creates an oxide on the surface of metallic surfaces, thus preventing further corrosion.
- The lining has self-healing properties and is also easily repaired with minimum preparations.
The characteristics of a good tank lining should:
- Create an impermeable barrier
- It must fully adhere to the substrate
- It should seal all the gaps
A continuous series of coatings on the surface of the tank protects the tank from further corrosion by preventing corrosion agents by keeping liquids in or out depending on the storage facility. Geo-membrane made from textiles, polymers and composites is largely used in modern tank lining.