
Weld Spatter

Last updated: July 19, 2024

What Does Weld Spatter Mean?

Weld spatter consists of droplets of molten metal or non-metallic material that are scattered or splashed during the welding process. These small bits of hot material may fly and fall on the workbench or on the floor, while others may stick to the base material or any surrounding metallic material. They are easy to identify since they are round, small, ball-like substances when they solidify.

Weld spatter mostly occurs in gas metal arc welding (GMAW). When in excess, weld spatter can be recycled in a furnace to yield solid structures.


Corrosionpedia Explains Weld Spatter

Weld spatter is generally caused by the disturbance of the weld pool. These particles are a nuisance to engineering design as they tamper with the surface of the base metal when they stick. They can also cause injuries in the workshop if the welder does not observe safety precautions. Weld spatter may be hazardous in industries that deal with oil. The most common causes of weld spatter include:

  • Long welding arc
  • Short welding arc
  • Cleanliness of the base material surface
  • Selection of gas welding (CO2 welding yields more)
  • Welding at a wrong angle
  • Imbalance between voltage and amperage
  • Incorrect wire feed speed

The marks, damages, cracks or pores left on the surface of the base material can instigate corrosion. The use of anti-spatter spray assists in curbing this occurrence.


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