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Bituminous Coating

Last updated: July 19, 2024

What Does Bituminous Coating Mean?

A bituminous coating is a type of coating used to build a vapor-proof and flexible protective coat in accordance with its formulation and polymerization grade. A bituminous coating's flexibility and protection against vapor and water can be influenced by the polymer grade as well as reinforcement of fiber.

The most common applications of a bituminous coating include areas that are beneath screed wet. It is an excellent protective coating and waterproofing agent, especially on surfaces such as concrete foundations.

Bituminous coating is also known as asphalt coating.


Corrosionpedia Explains Bituminous Coating

A bituminous coating can be used both externally and internally on carbon steel pipes. It is usually black, and when applied properly, the bituminous coating offers outstanding cathodic protection needed for almost all structural steel pipes situated underground.

A bituminous coating is regarded as one of the least expensive ways to provide cathodic protection to pipes. It is also the least complex coating process, making it suitable for casing pipes like in road bore.

Bituminous coatings are mainly composed of hydrocarbon molecules. Such molecules are elongated, making movement difficult. Therefore, bitumen is solid especially at ambient settings. However, it flows very slowly and is very viscous.

Almost all bituminous coatings are ready to use and free from solvent. These are chemical- and UV-resistant, making them reliable protective coatings against wear and corrosion. It can be applied through various methods using a roller, brush or sprayer.

It works impressively in waterproofing surfaces, especially on surfaces that are in direct contact with seepage water, moisture and non-pressurized liquid or water.



Asphalt Coating

Bituminous Paint

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