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Clear Coating

Last updated: July 19, 2024

What Does Clear Coating Mean?

A clear coating is a type of high-end coating material in a water- or solvent-based form. These coatings normally make use of advanced cross-linking mechanisms, which accounts for its superior bonding properties. Due to this, clear coating is beneficial for almost all metal substrates.

It serves as an excellent replacement for rust or corrosion preventives that are based in oil. It is also stable under extreme heat conditions and can be topped with primers or paints without needing removal. When combined with other coating types, clear coating can immensely prolong the lifespan of the metal surface.


Corrosionpedia Explains Clear Coating

There are numerous types of clear coatings available on the market. Each of these is formulated from various solvents, polymers and additives. Individuals and industries who benefit from this type of coating must make a selection according to:

  • Intended lifespan
  • Economics
  • Desired service conditions
  • Expected transparency

Clear coatings are ideally used on copper and its alloys. Such substances have high corrosion resistance, but may form superficial discoloration over time due to handling and exposure to the environment. Clear coatings are used on the surfaces in order to preserve their appearances. This type of coating can harden under room temperature or through baking.

Use of clear coating offers other advantages such as:

  • 100% protection against corrosion by providing a continuous film
  • Fast application and simple preparation
  • Personalized tinting possible
  • Reusable throughout its entire shelf life

Many coating makers prefer manufacturing customized coating to be able to work hand in hand with their clients and solve specific issues. However, there are also numerous standard compositions that can be ordered to satisfy different needs.

Serviceability of clear coating can depend on many factors, such as:

  • Capacity to withstand sunlight
  • Air pollution
  • Humidity
  • Handling

This is important since coating life can be cut short, especially in environments where there is extensive air pollution or other extreme conditions. Other factors to consider include the coating properties, additives as well as the application process related to a specific type of coating.


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