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Noble Potential

Last updated: July 19, 2024

What Does Noble Potential Mean?

Noble potential is the measure of an element's tendency toward activity equaling or approaching that of the noble elements of the electromotive series, such as gold, silver or copper. Unlike base metals, noble metals are resistant to corrosion and oxidation caused by moisture.


Corrosionpedia Explains Noble Potential

Electrode potential is the relative measure of a metal's tendency to become active in a given electrolyte. Metals and metal alloys all possess different electrode potentials, giving them differing resistances to corrosion and other processes. The more active or less noble a metal is, the more likely it forms an anode in an electrolytic environment. While the nobler a metal is, the more likely it forms a cathode when in the same environment.

The corrosion or noble potential is generally measured by connecting the metal with appropriate standard reference electrodes and measuring the potential difference by using a voltmeter.


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