
Mechanical Bonding

Last updated: July 19, 2024

What Does Mechanical Bonding Mean?

Mechanical bonding is a kind of chemical bond that is usually found in rotaxanes and catenanes or other molecular structures that are mechanically interlocked. In this type of adhesive bonding, the adhesive material locks physically onto the surface crevices.

Mechanical bonding is applied in industrial materials in order to improve strength, making materials more resistant to damage and corrosive effects.


Corrosionpedia Explains Mechanical Bonding

Mechanical bonding can be very useful in the study and determination of strength of industrial steel, such as cobalt and titanium as well as other materials. The type of mechanical bonding serves as the indication as to whether a certain surface or material has gone through the correct preparation to achieve a strength level that can fight off the harmful effects of corrosion.

Mechanical bonding involves web strengthening that can be obtained through inter-fiber factors like friction, which results in entanglement. There are two forms of mechanical bonding:

  • Needlepunching – In this process, needles that are specially designed are pulled and pushed throughout the material in order to entangle fibers. Materials can be needled together in order to create properties that can be difficult to achieve through other means.
  • Hydro-entanglement – This is mainly used in high-pressure water jets to make the fibers interlace. Also known as “spunlacing,” the jet arrangements can produce a wide range of effects. Water pressure jets utilized in this type of mechanical bonding has a strong impact on the design of a particular system.

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