
Manganese Greensand

Last updated: July 19, 2024

What Does Manganese Greensand Mean?

Manganese greensand is a type of glauconite that has had manganese oxide coated on to it by means of special processing. Manganese greensand is commonly used as a filter media. Manganese greensand is used to remove hydrogen sulfide, iron and manganese in filtration applications.


Corrosionpedia Explains Manganese Greensand

Manganese greensand is one of the most popular ways to filter water when hydrogen sulfide, iron or manganese are a concern. It began being used in filtration systems in the middle of the twentieth century. Since that time technology has advanced the process but the overall fundamentals remain the same.

The manufacturing process of manganese greensand begins with glauconite. The glauconite, or greensand, is cleaned and then filtered (sifted) so only the pieces of greensand of the proper size are kept. Once all of the correctly size pieces are collected they are coated with manganese oxide.

When filtering iron, the manganese greensand is used in a process called continuous regeneration. For this process, a solution is fed into the water supply that oxidizes the iron. The oxidized iron is then filtered out by the manganese greensand. A process called intermittent regeneration is used when using manganese greensand to filter manganese.


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