
Computed Radiography

Last updated: July 19, 2024

What Does Computed Radiography Mean?

Computed radiography is a nondestructive inspection method that uses X-rays or gamma radiation to search a material for discontinuities, defects or excessive corrosion. Computed radiography involves the use of a cassette and film that, once exposed to X-ray or gamma radiation, are fed through a scanner and displayed on a computer screen.


Corrosionpedia Explains Computed Radiography

Computed radiography requires several special pieces of equipment that are not required by traditional radiography. One of these required items is a phosphor imaging plate, which takes the place of the film used in traditional radiography. The plate is placed behind the workpiece during the exposure time similar to that of film used for traditional radiography. Another required device is a scanner. The phosphor imaging plate is fed through the scanner and then the scanner interprets the plate and sends the image to a computer. The final piece is the software that interprets the imaging plate. This software can be used to measure defects, alter and save images, and perform several other functions.

Computed radiography offers substantial advantages over traditional film radiography. One advantage is eliminating the need for a dark room. To interpret the image taken during the computed radiography process all that is required is a scanner, a computer and the appropriate software. This also eliminates the need for the hazardous chemicals that are often present in a dark room.

Computed radiography also allows for image alteration, which is useful when trying to determine the best way to find discontinuities and defects in a material being evaluated. The computer system also enables users to save digital copies of the radiographic images, making storage and retention much easier.


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