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Composite Powder

Last updated: July 19, 2024

What Does Composite Powder Mean?

This is a joint mixture of different material powders to produce the required unique material properties for engineering use, obtained in a specified powder metallurgy process. It is used in the design of coatings and materials that have various applications. The powders can also be used for making spray paints to enhance physical and mechanical properties.


Corrosionpedia Explains Composite Powder

The essence of obtaining powder from composite is to combine different materials that exhibit required properties. Most of the sprayed coatings contain composite powders, for instance: titanium carbides, chromium, black carbon and tungsten used in making thermal spray coatings that offer high wear and corrosion resistance. Fiber materials like ceramics are used in this process to boost the metal matrix.

The accomplishment of obtaining a composite powder depends on the technology used in producing nanometer-sized particles from each material and the synthesis process to develop a suitable morphology and phase structure of the end product. The kind and portion of the material powders to be added will determine the magnetic and thermal properties of the composite powder.

The end product of a composite powder casting or synthesis is a light and strong material that can withstand fatigue, corrosion and failure. To make a composite, one is required to obtain a matrix, which can be the foundation of meshing. Generally, the performance of the composite powder will also depend on:

  • The sizes (Large, Small or Hybrid (range of particle sizes))
  • The shape, for example: spherical or circular
  • Chemical composition
  • The purity of individual powders

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