
Vinyl Ester Resin

Last updated: July 19, 2024

What Does Vinyl Ester Resin Mean?

A vinyl ester resin is a thermoset matrix resin that is considered a hybrid of epoxy and polyester. It is a molecular chain that consists of a few ester groups double-bonded to vinyl groups, different from polyester in terms of the location of the reactive sites. It is produced by the esterification of epoxy resin and an unsaturated monocarboxylic acid. It is used in transportation, building and infrastructure, military, energy and marine applications (pipelines, composite products and storage tanks).


Corrosionpedia Explains Vinyl Ester Resin

The long molecular chain of vinyl ester makes the resin tough and resilient so that it can absorb loading shocks. It is resistant to water and chemical reactions due to the ester groups, which are susceptible to water degradation by hydrolysis. In its use in lamination, it requires additives to increase its curing process, thus providing resistance against corrosion.

Other properties include:

  • Heat-resistant
  • It can withstand impact and bending forces, hence can tolerate stretching
  • It has a low viscosity index
  • It is less sensitive to ambient temperature and humidity
  • It is crack-resistant

Vinyl ester can be hardened by the use of peroxides and thinned by chemical reactions (styrene). The double bonds make the resin obtain a flexible nature. Most products are made from molding processes and cannot be reused in a waxy state. They are mostly designed for an environment that requires corrosion resistance and physical performance.


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