

Last updated: July 19, 2024

What Does Supportability Mean?

Supportability refers to the degree by which the characteristics, design and functions of products or services meet the standards of a particular system or organization.

This may involve maintaining, overhauling and repairing equipment to ensure it is operating at optimum function. Doing this can eliminate problems and operational failures from occurring.


Corrosionpedia Explains Supportability

In any organization, particularly in an industrial setting, supportability is a vital factor to keep operations running smoothly. Whether it is for the manufacturing of goods or selling materials and other things, supportability can be achieved by activities like repair and maintenance.

Maintenance and repair activities can take the following forms:

  • Preventive – Equipment and tools are maintained to prevent breakdown. The strategies in preventive measures may vary depending on the application. Testing and experimentation are usually performed to determine the best method for preventive maintenance.
  • Operational – Equipment, tools and other systems are continually maintained while in use.
  • Corrective – This involves maintenance and repair post breakdown. It is typically expensive since worn equipment can cause damage and corrosion to other parts, leading to higher rates or incidences of failure.

Therefore, supportability aims to prevent failures in industrial settings in the most efficient way possible in order to reduce unnecessary losses in production. Effective supportability relies on accurate analysis as well as the cost effectiveness of processes involved.


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