
Mitigating Corrosion Under Insulation and Supporting the Longevity of Industrial Pipe Insulating Systems


Antimony Electrode

Last updated: July 19, 2024

What Does Antimony Electrode Mean?

An antimony electrode is a device that is usually paired with a copper sulfate electrode. When it comes in contact with water or soil, it forms cells with voltage depending on the pH of the water or soil. The produced voltage ranges from around one to 11 volts.

An antimony electrode is eight inches in length and has a slug of antimony measuring about 0.625 inches in diameter. This unit contains no liquids and has a scale for converting voltage into pH on its side.


Corrosionpedia Explains Antimony Electrode

Antimony is a highly unique metal that is characterized by the direct relationship between the potential and pH. An antimony electrode is usually paired with copper sulfate or copper to produce a voltage or potential difference which may range from 0.1 to 0.7 volts because of variation in pH.

Having an accurate measure of the difference in potential or pH of a certain solution or environment is crucial in controlling the damaging effects of corrosion. It is widely known that pH along with other factors greatly influence corrosion.

However, in order for the antimony electrode to work perfectly, it should be cleaned and maintained accordingly. Similar to other types of half cells, this one requires special cleaning. It must be noted that antimony is very brittle and needs careful treatment. This electrode should always be clean and without the presence of pits and rough surfaces.

By performing proper cleaning and maintenance, the antimony electrode’s performance is restored to normal.


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