

Last updated: July 19, 2024

What Does Tinplate Mean?

Tinplate is made from the process of thinly coating sheets of wrought iron or steel with tin. It is most often used to prevent rust.

The primary use of tinplate is the manufacture of tin cans in which foods and numerous other products are packed, as well as for household utensils of various kinds.

Tinplate offers excellent properties for use in a broad range of applications, including:

  • Beer and soft drink cans
  • General cans
  • Crown caps and screw caps
  • Electrical parts
  • Oil filter parts
  • Wire-shielding material

The process of creating tinplate is also known as tinning.


Corrosionpedia Explains Tinplate

Tinplate is a thin steel or iron sheet with a coating of tin applied either by dipping in molten metal or by electroplating; almost all tinplate is now produced by electroplating. Electrolytic tinplate is classified according to:

  • Extent of tempering
  • Tin coating mass
  • Type of steel
  • Annealing methods
  • Surface finish

A variety of corrosion processes happen to tinplate. The types of corrosion it faces are:

  • Filiform Corrosion – Occurs under the thin coatings of tin. It dispenses throughout the tinplate in the form of small threadlike filaments. These usually lump and crack the coating.
  • Pitting Corrosion – Occurs in a specific area of the surface. It usually occurs because of dirt particles sticking on the tinplate. This can also be caused by water-line attacks, crevice corrosion and concentration-cell corrosion.
  • Erosion Corrosion – Occurs slowly and over time. It occurs after a tinplate has been open to something, like water or air, for too long. Erosion begins with a small air bubble and lasts on the path of corrosion.



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